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How to Contribute?

Please don’t hesitate to contact the OWASP Proactive Control project with your questions, comments, and ideas.

You can contact maintainers directly, use our project-top10-proactive-controls OWASP slack channel, or visit our github page.

You find the source code of the current version of the OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls in the docs/ directory within the git repository. Please focus upon contributions for the current version, not archived versions within docs/archive.

When you check our open issues on github, you can see that some issues are tagged with help wanted or good first issue. Choose these if you want to help out the project!

How to test the OWASP Proactive Control website locally?

If you can run python, you can locally run the OWASP Proactive Control website locally. We recommend this to test your changes before pushing them to github.

To do this, we will use venv to create a local python environment to install the needed mkdocs package.

# creates and activates a new python environment in a new `venv` directory
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

# install the mkdocs package
$ pip install mkdocs-material

# switch into your checked-out OWASP Proactive Controls directory
$ cd owasp-proactive-controls

# run the local webserver
$ mkdocs server

# now you can point your browser to http://localhost:8000 and check
# how your changes will look like