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OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls v2 (2016)

You can download an English version of the OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls: pdf, docx, pptx.

OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls 2016:

  • OWASP-2016-C1: Verify for Security Early and Often
  • OWASP-2016-C2: Parameterize Queries
  • OWASP-2016-C3: Encode Data
  • OWASP-2016-C4: Validate All Inputs
  • OWASP-2016-C5: Implement Identity and Authentication Controls
  • OWASP-2016-C6: Implement Appropriate Access Controls
  • OWASP-2016-C7: Protect Data
  • OWASP-2016-C8: Implement Logging and Intrusion Detection
  • OWASP-2016-C9: Leverage Security Frameworks and Libraries
  • OWASP-2016-C10: Error and Exception Handling

Available Translations

In alphabetical order:

  • Chinese: pdf
  • Hebrew: pdf
  • Japanese: pdf
  • Simplified Chinese: pdf